St. Barnabas Church, Downham
Sunday 23rd February 2025 - 2nd Sunday before Lent
9.30 a.m. Sung Mass with Baptism
All are welcome
Sunday 23rd February 2025 - 2nd Sunday before Lent
9.30 a.m. Sung Mass with Baptism
All are welcome
Thank you to everyone who supported the Give to Go Green Campaign.
We raised £7,260.00 in total.
Sunday 23rd February 2025 - Second Sunday before Lent
9.30 a.m. Sung Mass with Baptism
Wednesday 5th March - Ash Wednesday
10.00 a.m. Said Mass with Imposition of Ashes
St. Barnabas is open for public worship and private prayer and our usual services are:-
Main service - Sunday - Sung Mass at 9.30 a.m.
Friday 10.00 a.m. - Said Mass followed by refreshments
The schedule of week day services will be shown on the Worship and Music page and on the weekly sheet.
Refreshments are served in the Church or Hall after the service.
If you would like to give to support the mission of the Church in the local community please click on the following link:-
Please also see the "How can I help the Church?" page on the website.
If you would like to enquire about hiring the Church Hall please e-mail
Full details regarding the Hall are on the Church Hall section of this website.
The Church will usually be open for private prayer on Saturdays between 10.00 a.m. - 12 Noon.
Please see the weekly sheet to confirm whether the Church will be open.
Team Clergy Contacts
If you need to contact a priest and cannot contact Fr. Stuart please contact:-
Rev Peter Organ 020-4541-8384 or
Rev Nick Walsh 07774-516204 or
Funeral Resources
A resource to use at home at the time of a funeral is available in the Information and Downloads section.
Church of England Resources
The Church of England has launched a telephone number to access recorded services and prayers on the telephone. This is particularly designed for those who are not on-line. Please pass the information on.
The number is:-
0800 804 8044
Local Resources
A useful resource for the provision of food to the vulnerable within the Borough of Lewisham is Lewisham Local.
They can be accessed at
or 03330 150378
Mental Health Support
If you are struggling with your mental health a useful resource is the Mind Charity.
Their website can be accessed via:-
The SLAM 24 hour Mental Health phone line is:-
0800 731 2864
In an emergency please dial 999.
Do let me know of any concerns, etc that can be included within our times of prayer. Please e-mail me at:-
Please indicate if you wish them to remain confidential.
Please contact me in the first instance before making any firm arrangements and I will be happy to discuss the service with you.
The February edition is available on the Diocesan website and hard copies are in the Narthex in Church.
Revd Stuart Leck
Tel: 020 8698 0283
Find us on Facebook at: